Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Task 11- Follow Through and Overlapping Action (Boxes)

Here I have created a short animation to show the principle of follow through and overlapping action using the examples of boxes sliding through a paper cut out animation.

What went well:
  • Speed of motion is successful
  • Sounds fit the animation
What to improve:
  • Physics are backward (boxes fall the wrong way)
  • Sledge moves around too much
How to combat this:
  • Plan out more or perform tests to check if things work properly

Task 10 - Staging (Storyboard)

Here I have investigated the principle of staging through creating a storyboard for a nursery rhyme. The nursery rhyme I chose is 'The Crooked Man' and I created characters for the different sections of the rhyme.

What went well:
  • Storyboard shows clear uses of staging
  • Shows the narrative flow well
What could be improved:
  • Shading could be added to better show depth of scene
How to combat this:
  • Create a new layer for shading

Task 9 - Anticipation

For this task we looked at the principle of anticipation which is an action that occurs before the primary action to add to the motion. I decided to create an animation using photoshop which shows a ghost sneezing.

What went well:
  • Successfully shows the principle of anticipation
  • Sounds work well with the actions
What could be improved:

  • Anticipation could have been drawn out more
  • More sounds could have been added
How to combat this:
  • Preplan timing/possible sounds more

Monday, 4 December 2017

Task 8 - Squash and Stretch (Ball Bounce)

Here I have created two short animations of a ball bounce to help me better understand the principle of squash and stretch. The first animation is of a ball bouncing straight up and down to show the basics of squash and stretch.

What went well:
  • Clear example of squash and stretch
  • Sounds matches the movement
What to improve:
  • Ball bounces a little slow
  • Doesn't bounce straight up and down, there is some side movements
How to combat this:
  • Plan the frames and movement more

The second animation shows a ball bouncing across the screen to practice squash and stretch with side ways movement so the ball interacts with the environment more.

What went well:
  • Clear example of squash and stretch
  • Speed of the ball is better then first animation
What to improve:
  • Ball sizing could be more consistent
  • Environment could have been more complex
How to combat this:
  • Plan more effective way to keep size consistent
  • Plan out the environment more