The Apple 2018 Christmas advert
Share Your Gifts shares similar aspects the our group project as it shows examples of animation on top of a physical set. While this advert uses 3D animation and our groups uses 2D, the process is still relatively similar.

Making of Share Your Gift video shows the set for the advert being build and how they used 3D animation to create characters that could interact with the world. With the set, after building everything they filmed different scenes without the characters. This required careful planning as they had to have a strong understanding of how the characters will move in the frames and what they will interact with. This could be seen as a limitation of this type of animation as it can become difficult reshooting shots if the set is no longer standing or has been moved around.

However, a strength of this type of animation is that you can give the backgrounds a realistic and human built feel to them that can be difficult to accomplish with a digital set. It could also be argued that once the background scenes have been shot, there is a set lighting origin point so its easier to keep track of rather then having to remember where it would be in a digital set.
Animation Studied - Sharing Your Gift (2018) by Apple
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